involves using needles to stimulate points in the body. After the needles are placed, there is a time for rest during which the treatment is processed. Follow up treatments are typically 60 minutes long and may include manual therapy, cupping, gua sha, electrical stimulation, herbal recommendations, support with food choices, or movement practice as indicated.
Gua Sha
is a healing technique of traditional East Asian medicine. In gua sha treatment, areas of the body are pressed in particular directions to create fiction for the purpose of intentionally generating therapeutic petechiae, clearing stasis and generating production of blood and fluids. It can be useful for muscular conditions as well as acute and chronic internal disorders.
After gua sha treatment, the area of the body should be covered overnight and care should be taken to avoid extremes in the external environment.
Cupping Therapy
utilizes suction in order to relieve local pressure, break up adhesions, stimulate circulation and production of blood and fluids, and regulate organ function. Plastic or glass cups are placed over points and left to rest. Color change at the site of cupping is common and can last for about a week, depending on circulatory function. Care should be taken to cover the area overnight and avoid extremes in external environment following cupping.
Distance Consult and Therapy
utilizes information gathering to provide relevant recommendations and tools for supportive care. Diagnostics may include conversation, observation, and postural/movement analysis. Recommendations and tools may focus on movement, breathing, herbs, self massage, and supportive food practices. Movement/Breathing practice sessions may include movement, postures, stretching and exercises drawn from yoga, qi gong, pilates, abdominal massage, and other disciplines and are available following initial intake as I’ll need to be familiar with your experience in order to develop a suitable practice.